Saturday, September 26, 2009

Andrew has turned into such a little boy the last couple of weeks.

He went and got his first haircut (not given by Daddy). He still does not do great at sitting still usually. But he did awesome. He did not move until he was told too.

He has also really started talking. He is putting words together, asking questions, repeating too much, etc. He is always asking "wuz tha" (what's that) over and over. "Daddy wuz tha?" "Mommy wuz tha?" You can tell him and he will repeat what you said and then ask again.

He was saying "ull moo" (full moon) last night at the moon and pointing out all the "staws" (stars). Daddy pointed out that it was not a full moon so now he just looks for the "moo" when it gets dark.

He likes to tell his big brothers what to do and calls them all by name (even if it is his own way of saying their names). He likes to tell them to stop whatever they are doing and call them "bad boys". He knows how to say that PERFECT!

I still love the way he says I love you (Abu). He is so sweet! We will be driving down the road and he will say "Mom....Mom....Mom(he doesn't give me a chance to answer)." "Yes Andrew?" "Abu Mom". He can be crazy running around the house and will suddenly stop and come in and ask for a "hu" (hug) and a "ki" (kiss) and say "ABU" and then run back to his craziness.

He still likes to tell anyone that asks his name that he is "Monkey" and then make monkey motions and noises. I don't encourage it, necessarily, but I don't tell him not to do this either. It was quite funny the last time we went grocery shopping. We go early in the morning during the week to Winn Dixie. This is when the elderly people do all of their grocery shopping too. WIth two little ones, we attract a lot of attention. We were getting some bananas of all things and an older lady walked up and was talking to Andrew. She asked him his name and he said "Monkey." She laughed and said "What is your real name." This went on several times. The last time the lady did not ask again. She looked at me, dead serious and asked "Is his name really Monkey?" I don't see the harm in him telling people his name is Monkey (right now anyway). He knows his name is Andrew and he will tell us when we ask what his name really is.

This can be a trying time (twos) with the energy and testing his boundaries but the little sprinkles of sweetness and discovering and imagination that he throws in the mix make it all worth while. I am so blessed to be able to stay home and see ALL of these moments with my children.

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