Friday, September 11, 2009

Caleb vs. Les Stroud

Caleb and Daddy are having a "friendly"(?) competition. Caleb asked Dad if he would pay him to eat a can of anchovies. Daddy said yes. So the deal was $5 dollars to eat approximately 18 anchovies. They were NASTY! The anchovies won (or lost). Caleb ate three or four VERY slowly, gulping water between every bite. Paul tasted one, he said they were VERY salty.

He threw them up. Bryce verified that. Unfortunately, he did NOT get compensated for judging if Caleb had thrown them up (next time, Bryce, you might want to negotiate compensation BEFORE doing something that nasty).

Caleb has a LONG way to go before he becomes the Survivorman he thinks he already is!

That is one for Caleb, one for Dad. A couple of months ago Caleb ate a tablespoon of butter for a couple of dollars. (Bryce did too, and Isaac took a tablespoon of soy sauce).

Life with five boys.......

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