Saturday, September 19, 2009

Don't Know What to Do

We have an Australian Shepard that is very skitsy and shy. It takes her a while to warm up to new people. She has always been an outdoor dog until our lab died this summer.

Now, she will not stay outside. If we leave her in their fenced in area she gets out. If we leave her to the whole backyard, she gets OUT (like out in the neighborhood).

The worst part is that it appears Mady is allergic to her. She sheds a lot, which has never been a major problem because she was always outside.

Obviously, we need to give her away to a very good daughters health has to come first. The problem....I think it might LITERALLY kill her. She doesn't eat when she is stressed out. When we boarded her a few weekes ago she did not eat a bite for the five days we were gone.

Our only other option is to get another dog to stay outside with her. She stayed out fine when she had company. But, what if we get another dog (which we don't really want) and she STILL won't stay out there?

I am at a loss as to what to do with her. This is not a thing of not researching the dog before we got her or just being tired of her. If that was the case it would be easy to give her away. But, we actually WANT an Aussie (they are great for outdoors stuff and good with the kids).

The whole time we were gone at the beach, Mady did not have any problems breathing. She is always worse when she is around the dog.


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