Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Frowning Moon

Last night, if you looked to the southwest sky, you could see the moon "frown". The planets Jupiter and Venus aligned with the crescent moon. The planets looked like eyes and the moon a frown. You were supposed to look at dusk, but unfortunately at the best time to view it (4:30 pm) we had clouds in our way. We were able to see it a little later, after the moon had risen above the planets (so it was an upside down frown face).

Caleb has been learning about astronomy in school and also got a telescope for his birthday, so when I read about it I told him he could go out and watch it. He loved it and can't wait to tell his teacher about it.

Paul and I spent quite a bit of time outside last night. We were having a shed delivered and the guy did not get here with it until almost 7. It was quite a show even when we were out. It was VERY bright and definently caught your eye whether you were looking for it or not.

I think I read the next time this would happen would be the year 2052. I am glad Caleb got to see it while he was learning about this stuff and excited about it.

This is what you were SUPPOSED to see if you saw it early enough. By the time our clouds moved out the smile was above the eyes and was more like and upside down frown.

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