Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh, the Excitement!

Today is party day for all of the kids. The excitement has been building all week. The school is helping the build! They started half days on Wednesday (Wed-Fri half days for Parent teacher conferences). Thursday they stopped homework. Isaac had his Polar Express Party (kids get to wear pjs to school, watch Polar Express and drink hot chocolate). Friday EVERYONE has Christmas parties and it is the last day of school.

Here, though, the excitement carries on PAST Friday. Tomorrow is Isaac's birthday. His present has been sitting under the tree with the other gifts (it is wrapped in birthday paper though - not Christmas paper). He is just itching to open it and his brothers are just itching to see what they can beg to play with!

Then we start the excitement countdown to Christmas. Then to Nana and Aunt Lindsay coming. TOO MUCH EXCITEMENT FOR ONE MOMMA AT ONE TIME. I am in midst of excitement overload!

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