Friday, December 19, 2008

Dependability (or Lack Thereof)

One thing I find important to teach the kids is the importance of being on time and dependability. This is something I am struggling with right now - not me personally, but dealing with others who are not dependable.

It doesn't seem to matter how much money is involved either. You would think with especially the way the economy is now, customer service would be a top priority with ALL companies. Seems to be worse.

We bought our car and what we were told would be a three hour fix of my cruise control turned into three weeks of me only having my car on the weekend (because the dealership didn't work on the weekend and we needed something the family could fit in).

Our fence should have been up over a month ago. It has been rescheduled numerous times. But, we don't typically get a phone call to tell us it is being rescheduled, it takes numerous calls to them from Paul and few emails to get anything out of them.

Paul ordered an aquarium. It came a week late. He ordered plants for his aquarium - they should have been here three weeks ago. He has been given four different delivery days - and told they are signature required so someone has to be home. Two of those days I sat and waited for Fedex (like yesterday). They were SHIPPED yesterday from South Dakota. I spent all day yesterday waiting (when I REALLY needed to be grocery shopping before this weekend).

I waited Monday for the cable guy. Of course he came late. He got here, did NOTHING and said that someone would be out Friday. It is an ALL day appointment! I am supposed to sit ALL day and wait on them, even though it is THERE screw-up.

When our new dining room table was delivered the day before Thanksgiving, it was crushed completely at one end. Today, I have to wait on them to deliver our table (they did give us one they had just picked up from someone else because it was scratched.

My MORTGAGE company (for the house in Arkansas) failed to pay our house insurance, so it was cancelled. That is kind of a biggie isn't it?

It is a very frustrating feeling when it seems like everyone thinks you have nothing better to do than sit and wait on them to do what they were supposed to have already done. I will miss all the Christmas parties today to sit and wait on something that, if it shows, I am positive will be late (unless of course I am not here).

Boys: When you say you are going to do something (especially when it is your job) - DO IT - WHEN YOU SAY you will. It is that simple. Leave early if you have to. Give yourself extra time if you have several things to do. CALL if you will be late. Your time is not the only time that is precious. When you are late it could affect a whole string of people/things.

Dependability ranks right up there with responsibility. It is YOUR responsibility to be dependable!

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