Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Bryce has had some spots on his forehead, so I took him to the dr today. His teacher was asking what it was and then yesterday they bus driver said it looked like it might be ringworm. I have never dealt with ringworm - so had no idea what to look for.

So he went to he went to the dr this morning. I explained about the teacher and bus driver and he said it actually DID look like ringworm. He said to send him back to school because that is probably where he got it (and he has been there with it all this time anyway). It is possible he got it from our animals, but since noone else in the family has spots (the animals can apparently have them and not be affected by them) the dr does not think that is the case.

The dr wrote a school note that said he had dermatitis and was not contagious. He told me to put the cream on before I took him in though, because as soon as he has the cream on he is no longer contagious. As we were leaving Bryce asked what ringworms were. I told him nothing - he just had a rash and was not contagious (I KNEW he would go to school and tell everyone if I said he had ringworm).

When he got home I asked about his half day at school. He said "everyone wanted to know the TRUTH about what I had." I asked if he told them he just had a rash. "No, I told them all I had wigwams."

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