Friday, November 14, 2008

Isn't Parenting Grand?

I had to take my car in today to get the windshield replaced and the cruise control fixed (things that were "owed" us when we bought it). It was SUPPOSED to take three hours TOPS to do the work, so we were hanging out in Baton Rouge. The last place we went was the mall. That is right - I went and bought some pink. It is all already decided right? Don't worry - no tags were removed! I know the limits. :)

We are walking through the mall, Daddy pushing AJ in the stroller when I start hearing a noise and see "stuff" on the floor trailing from the stroller. Andrew threw up. He didn't just throw up - he THREW UP - I mean GALLONS.

He went to the dr Tuesday. Wednesday he started running a low-grade fever. Continued the fever all day yesterday. Got up this morning fever-free and stayed that way all day. He has not been eating great lately, but he really goes through phases. This morning (after only having mashed potatoes and gravy yesterday) he ate part of a piece of bread with peanut butter for breakfast and some fruit snacks. He would not touch ANYTHING at lunch (and it was spagetti which is one of his favs). He did drink a glass of raspberry lemonade though.

We are not sure what happened. It was bad though. Here we are in the middle of the mall, people everywhere and he is COVERED in throw-up and screaming. We tried to cover him with a shopping bag until we could get in a less busy area, but that made him more mad and he wanted his clothes off. So, we did what any good parent would do (?) and we ran to the nearest exit. OF COURSE, it was the opposite side from where we parked! I stripped his shirt off as soon we got outside and tried to clean him off as best as I could with the few wipes I had!

We got some STARES as we ran around the outside of the mall with a stinky, nasty half dressed baby! We got to the car and got him stripped to his diaper and he quickly fell asleep. He has been fine ever since.

Don't know what happened - but it put an abrupt end to our trip. Our "three hour max" car fix - I got called at 4:45 this afternoon (dropped it off before 9) and was told that I could either leave it for the weekend or I would need to bring it back in because the cruise control was more complicated than they expected. They don't work on weekends, so it would just sit on the lot until Monday. We picked it up, but I am not very happy!

So, that was our FUN eventful day - one of those where you go to bed wondering if parenting was REALLY the best route for us to go!

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