Monday, November 03, 2008

AJ to the Dr...AGAIN!!

Kinda a gross entry...

Last week I called the dr because AJ had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. We were thinking he was having his typical GI-lactose-intolerance issues, and we tried to deal with it, but it was getting very abnormal. We were trying to find some enzyme or something to give Andrew to help with the lactose issues.

The dr called and put AJ on a prescription and told us to give him Lactinex granules. One of the side effects of the prescription was diarrhea and after his got worse, I made the "Mom" decision to take him off of it.

Today, I called the dr back and took him in. He was still having frequent, very foul smelling diarrhea, but what had me even more concerned is that he has never digested vegetables (of any kind) great, but lately he does not appear to be digesting vegetables, as well as other foods, much at all. I also wanted to talk to the dr face to face about whether he should be taking some kind of enzyme to help process the lactose he DOES get.

We did not get to see the dr we saw before, he was out. But, the dr we saw seemed good too. He thinks Andrew probably has some kind of stomach or intestinal infection (something similar to giardia). We get to collect stool samples and take them to the hospital lab to find out exactly what is going on and how to go about treating him.

He acts fine, eats fine, plays fine, and is not losing weight. Just lots of almost explosive diapers that are the worst smelling thing ever (granted my sniffer is much more sensitive). I can't take the samples until Wednesday (I don't feel like taking all the kids to the hospital by myself tomorrow!), so we should no something by the end of the week or beginning of next week.

I did get some answers about what to give him to help with when he does eat things with lactose in it. The dr told us to give him Beano or Lactaid. The Beano is actually good for people with lactose and soy intolerance. In a lot of cases, people that have a lactose intolerance also have a soy intolerance (which he probably does - that is why he had to be on special, expensive formula as a baby). He also told us about something similar to the Lactinex granules that are not lactose based.

Seemed like a good, productive drs appt and hopefully we will have some answers soon!

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