Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Found on Caleb's Google Talk:

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for them"

With fireworks as his picture.

He has been very into this election. Sadly, he still does not understand so much and is "voting" for reasons that are not necessarily true. His choices are being shaped by what he is hearing at school. It is difficult to sit down and talk to him about it because he is so bad about only hearing parts of things and then sharing with everyone what he "heard".

I am concerned about our nation! "Change has come to America" - what kind of change? We are considering a change to Mexico (thought about Canada, but not fond of the cold). I can only trust that God is in control and has a plan we don't know or understand. There are many things that concern me about our new president-elect, none of which is his race. Although, I must say that it is kind of insulting that he is considered "black" even though he is half black, half white. He talks about how great his grandmother was and how she raised him, yet she was white and he does not acknowledge that part of his life much.

I can only continue to pray for our country and for the future of my children. I am proud of Caleb to put a quote like that up at his age and to be proud of where he lives, as am I. I hope that our nation moves in a better direction, and I will try to trust in our new President to lead our country in a way he was elected to do. Many presidents in the past have failed, democrats and repulicans, and politics will always be a scarey place for me. I have a hard time putting that much trust in one person - no matter what the party affiliation or color of skin and will doubt until proven otherwise (I know some may feel that is backwards).

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