Monday, November 17, 2008

Good Parenting

As parents of four boys (and another baby on the way), we strive constantly to be the best parents we can. That is why, MOMENTS after the boys went to bed tonight, we were unpacking their BIG Santa gift and testing it out.

It is a WII.

It is SOOOOO much fun, and all we have played is the Sports games that came with it.

We might need to "try it out" every night between now and Christmas to make sure there is nothing questionable about it, while also ensuring that they have the best Christmas morning by us being able to show them how it works.

THAT, my friend, is parenting at it's best.

Now, I must go back to parenting (by testing out the product).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Santa, make Mom & Dad let me play with my present!"

Parents can come with all kinds of excuses to play with their kids toys. Hope the boys get a chance to play.

Wish I could let Caleb see this now, but surely wouldn't want to spoil his Christmas surprise.

You guys are tooooo funny!

Love, Mom