Saturday, November 08, 2008

Fund Raisers and Crushes

A little boy came over today to see if we wanted to buy from his fundraiser. Paul answered the door and told the kid that his son was selling the same stuff. After a discussion of who is son was, the kid says "yeah, he has a crush on my sister."

He asked if Caleb could go sale the fundraiser stuff with him and Paul said yes. They left (but not before we could ask about the girl - which he happily admitted to liking) and were gone for quite a while going door to door (LOVE that we are in a neighborhood where they can do that!).

They came home and were outside playing. I look out the front window to see AJ's wagon at the curb upside down, Caleb and his friend sitting behind the wagon and Isaac holding a sign standing at the road. They had made a "stand" for selling their fundraiser stuff. Noone stopped, so they went and put signs at the entrance of the neighborhood and one on our road.

The cookie dough they are selling are $14 for 3 lbs, cheesecakes for $18 and brownies and cinnamon rolls for $14. Can't really blame people for not stopping. This is the first time I have ever let him do a fundraiser though. He is excited about it.

Tomorrow they plan on trying again, and I think Daddy MIGHT take it to work next week and try to sell some.

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