Tuesday, November 11, 2008

AJ's Drs Appt

I took AJ BACK to the dr this morning. We did not see the dr that ordered the test last week (he is not in the office on Tuesday), but we did see the dr we initially saw in this office. He said since all of the tests came back normal he thinks he has too much yeast in his gi system. He had prescribed some medicine before we went in, based on the information I had given his nurse. We tried it and it made his diarrhea worse, so we stopped it. The dr who ordered the test said if he did have a stomach/intestinal infection like he thought then it was pointless to give him that medicine because it would not stay in his system long enough to help.

So, the dr said to put him back on it, finish it and probably have to do a second bottle of the same meds to get his system completely back on track. We are to keep him off all foods with dairy/lactose in it until he is completely back to normal. He is also to have no juice. He can have his lactose free milk, gatorade, tea, kool-aid, etc, but no juice because of the acidity of it.

I am back to long grocery shopping because I am having to read all the labels to make sure he can have it. As I have said before, you would be surprised how much dairy and lactose is in foods. It is everywhere!

They also gave us a different cream to use a few times a day on his diaper rash. And told me to put a pad down at bedtime and let him sleep with no diaper (he apparently hasn't had kids in diapers in a while). It would not matter WHERE I put that pad - it would be on top of him or on the floor shortly after I laid him down. And I don't even want to think of the image of what damage he could do in this situation with no diaper on!

The drs (his dr usually has a student dr with him) were amazed at how happy and playful he is for this to have all been going on for a month now.

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