Thursday, November 06, 2008

Favorite Time of Year

The next two months are my favorite time of year. I love decorating for the holidays and cooking the big meals for the family (even if it is just our immediate family). I also love that this time of year, most people seem to care. There are always those that want that last gift item (even if you have already grabbed it) and get out of hand. But for the most part, it brings out the best in people.

When we go into Home Depot (which we seem to go to more often than we go to Walmart at this point), Andrew's face always lights up at the blow-ups and lite up Christmas trees, etc. He points and squeals and laughs. I love it.

I asked the boys to make Christmas lists (and birthday lists for the older two). Caleb does WAY too well on his own, just sitting and writing his lists. The other two don't really know what to say they want. So, when the Toys R Us catalog comes around they sit down one at a time and give us ideas what they want. The catalog is getting warn out!

There are also many charity fundraisers at school. The boys are always SO excited to give what ever they can. We always make them go through their toys this time of year and get rid of some to make room for new ones. They no longer ask why they have to get rid of toys. They know that we donate the toys so that kids that can't get new toys like them can still get something. They do not complain about having to go through toys and "give up" toys they like (even if they don't play with them much).

I am proud that my kids are growing up understanding that we may not have as much money as lots of other people, but they still have a LOT more than many kids have. They don't rub that in or act snobby about it, but they understand how good they really have it. They don't have to worry about which parent they will be with for which holiday. They don't have to worry about if they have food on the table. They know they will get a Christmas gift or two. They know they will have warm clothes for the winter. Even though their are times they wallow in what they DON'T have (which don't we all) this time of year things are always put into perspective for them.

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