Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

We have had a pretty lazy Thanksgiving this year. We had our lunch, complete with our normal turkey, broccoli and cheese casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, creamed peas and Watergate salad. It was all very good.

Unfortunately, AJ is sick. He has been running a fever off and on all day and kinda had his big naptime meltdown during lunch. After lunch EVERYONE took a nap (THANK YOU TRIPDAPHAN - I think we need to eat more turkey!!). It has been raining today, so between full bellies, cloudy skies and rain hitting the window - PERFECT napping scenario!

After everyone got up, we have basically sat in front of the tv, played video games, etc.

When we sit down to our "feast" it is our tradition to go around the table and say what we are thankful for. I thought I would post what everyone was thankful for this year.

Daddy is thankful for his family and our new house.

Mommy is thankful for her family, all of the blessings in our lifes and that Daddy has a job where he does not have to travel often so he is home with the family.

Caleb is thankful for God and Jesus.

Isaac is thankful for God and Jesus and all the new toys they get from the store (I assume this is because birthday and Christmas is coming up because they don't get a lot of new toys throughout the year).

Bryce is thankful for good behavior and cleaning his room (I find this very ironic since we have constant battles with BOTH of these issues!).

Andrew was apparently thankful for his food, because the whole time we were going around the table telling what we were thankful for and all of the boys saying their own blessings, he was EATING! Hey, it was either that or listen to him scream and not hear what the boys were saying. Sometimes, you just gotta go with the flow!

It was a great day and after a LIGHT dinner of turkey sandwiches and broccoli casserole, we are going to enjoy some pie in a bit and watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving special.

Hope you all had as good a day as we did. We miss everyone - especially around the holidays.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Miss you guys! David and I are going to buy plane tickets soon for some time around Christmas. Love you and can't wait to see you. Aunt Lindsay