Thursday, February 21, 2008


You know what is worse than having kids scared of a storm especially when it does not matter what time you put them to bed, if it is going to thunder - it is going to start AS SOON as you get them in bed?

A COCKER SPANIEL THAT IS AFRAID OF THUNDER! Everytime it thunders, Trip runs around the house, window to window, barking!

Does that make him a good guard dog?

I don't know - it usually makes for a irritated Mama that has to calm the dog (or lock him up or kick him out of the house so we can't hear him as loud) so she can calm the kids!

I will try to just remember he is a good guard dog and guarding us from some mean lound something outside!

Guard dog....
Guard dog....
Guard dog....

Useless guard dog - he just got put in his kennel (although he is still barking in there - he is as far away from the kids as he can be and still be inside)!

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