Thursday, February 07, 2008

Andrew Back in Hospital

We went Tuesday morning to the GI dr, expecting just a regular check-up. After going over everything that we had gone through last week while in the hospital and me getting lectured because I did not call her while we were at the hospital, she told us we were going back for a week to two weeks. So, here we are - at Children's.

Basically, Andrew's intestine and stomach linings are really screwed up right now. He apparently had some pretty serious virus that did not have any symptoms (other than the fever). Between that virus, not eating well, the diarrhea from the antibiotics he was on, etc. etc. etc. - he had no hope!

He was only taking 8-12 ounces of formula the few days we were home. He was just doomed! It was going out one end as quick as it was going in the other. The dr was really concerned about the amount of weight he had lost and just his overall condition.

So, I went home, got Lilah picked up and Paul home and we went to the hospital. He was taken off food and put on an IV. Wednesday they put a feeding tube down his nose and started drip feeding him. They are slowly weaning him back onto his normal amount of formula, but on a lactose free formula for the time being. If he can get back up to his normal amount of formula with the feeding tube, and not have any diarrhea, they will take the tube out and let him start with bottles again.

Today they also let him start solids again. He is allowed to have yellow vegetables, potatoes and cheerios (GOTTA HAVE THE CHEERIOS!!!). The cheerios are proving somewhat troublesome with the tube though, but he still wants them! He was happy about getting to eat again!

At this point the dr is very happy with his improvement. His bottom looks MUCH better! He has, however, started spitting up again today. Hopefully this will not be too much of a problem, since he has reflux. She has said that if we keep up this was we should be able to go home by Sunday. We are HOPEFUL! It may take me a while to get over the past couple of weeks. I think when God is done CARRYING me through this, it will REALLY hit and hard! Between him being sick, the hospital last week, food poisoning last weekend, and the hospital again (this time with no bed - just a fold out chair) - eventually I will pass out!

I left the hospital for a couple of hours today to take Bryce to MDO, go home and shower and get some more clean clothes and ran to Walmart to get some snacks and some new (exciting) toys for Andrew. Since he is feeling better - boredom is setting in. When I got back to the hospital, I noticed the stroller in the back of the car and grabbed it! Two weeks of holding Andrew almost non-stop has gotten to both of us! So, he is sitting in his stroller next to me, playing, as I type.

I will try to keep you updated as I can. I have not had a computer with me until today, so as long as I have it here and can get service I will try to give daily updates. Thank you to EVERYONE who has helped us the last few days with the kids and for all the prayers and support we have received. Please continue to pray for him until he completely pulls through this and returns to himself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HANG IN THERE!! The doctor will get it all figured out and Anderw will be fine. We love you all very much, Mom & Dad / Gma & Papa