Monday, February 18, 2008

Andrew's Drs Appt

You know, three dental appointments at one time was not enough, so we threw in a trip to the pediatrician as well.

I finally got to talk to the GI drs office the end of last week. I gave them an update on how Andrew was doing and also asked about getting full allergy testing done. I know this is a horrible, very unpleasant experience and I don't WANT him to have it, but at the same time we can not keep playing guessing games - which is what we have been doing thus far. The nurse talked to the dr and was told that AJ probably has an intolerance not an allergy, so allergy testing would be pointless.

When we were in the hospital, everytime I said lactose intolerance to the dr, she corrected me saying he could have a possible ALLERGY. So, when they said he had an intolerance, I immediately called Paul to verify what was said at the hospital. I brought this up with the pediatrician today. He said that she is probably saying that he is NOT lactose intolerant, but has an intolerance to the milk protein - NOT necessarily an allergy.

He did agree that it was too big of a guess for everything we are doing and that we should go see an allergist - to at least get her opinion. He is also agrees that we can no longer afford to play guessing games at this point. He asked when we were supposed to go back to see the GI dr. I told him on the 10th. "OF NEXT MONTH?" was his reply (well OBVIOUSLY, since it is the 18th of THIS month!). He was not happy with us waiting a month from the time we got out of the hospital to the time we see a dr again (which we weren't either). So, we are going back to see the pediatrician in two weeks.

This is why I LOVE our pediatrician. He is one of the few that really LISTENS and often goes with Mom's intuition! I feel like the GI dr (and her nurse) always come in with their pre-conceived ideas of what is going on, and no matter what I say or how many times I say it - it is not going to change what they think. Our pediatrician has NEVER been that way. He will sit there and talk with you for an hour if that is what it takes for us to all be in understanding of what is going on. That is why I don't mind waiting an hour after our appointment time to see him. I know he is giving other parents the same time and respect I want from him (unlike many drs where you wait an hour and they spend 2 minutes with you).

So, I am feeling a little better about things. We are at least attempting a little more to find out what is going on so it can be fixed. We will go from here!

Weight: 17 pounds 11 ounces

Still not where we were pre-illness!

Also, I FINALLY found something other than his formula he will drink! Maybe next time he gets sick we can keep him hydrated with this stuff. Gerbers Fruit Splashers. It is purified water with fruit juice. It is only 40% juice and has 40% less sugar than juice. I am concerned with giving him juice because with his tract - I don't think his tummy will handle it well and then we will start with the bottom issues again!! He really likes this stuff and it doesn't seem to be bothering him. The GI dr does not want him getting more than 30 ounces of formula a day (which seems odd since we want him gaining weight), but that was not working with Andrew because it meant he couldn't drink anything when he was eating. We got the okay from the pediatrician today for him to drink this stuff between formula. He also, by the way, questioned why she was limiting his formula to only 30 ounces a day - he was thinking he should maybe be getting more calories from it.

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