Saturday, January 26, 2008


Andrew is getting into EVERYTHING lately! I know, it will only get worse! It is still such a cute and curious nosiness - but it gets exhausting having to continuously get him out of stuff! He doesn't really care for sitting in anything that keeps him from getting into trouble. He still loves his jumperoo, as long as you don't leave him alone in it. I have moved it into where the desk is so that when I am working on the computer he can jump right next to me - and I can type with two hands instead of four (he LOVES the keyboard)!

His favorite thing to mess with is the bookshelf. He is CONSTANTLY pulling stuff off of it.

I have moved all of Andrew's toys into his bedroom (they were cluttering the living room. I had to take down the little table next to the guest bed - because he likes to pull it over on himself. I got his room as Andrew-proofed as I could. I pull up the blinds and he has really enjoyed playing in there. The following pictures were taken after I walked into his room to check on him and found him doing this. That box has all of his little shoes in it and is between the crib and changing table (which we don't really use as a changing table anymore). He closed the box, turned it upside down and started chewing on the bottom of it. I am not sure if the box was made in China or not, but it is not painted yet - so lead is not what we need to worry about - I am sure there is SOMETHING in that wood that he should NOT be tasting though!!

If you noticed the books under the crib - we are trying to teach our son through osmosis. We are teaching him the American Presidents and Physics at the same time. Maybe he will be one of those genius two year olds that can rattle off all of the presidents and facts about them WHILE working some physics!

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