Thursday, January 17, 2008

Isaac's Drs Appt

Isaac went back to the ENT dr this morning to check on his ears. Dr said they looked great. The holes have healed. There is a little bit of fluid left behind one eardrum, but he is not concerned about it and said it will go away on its own.

I told Dr that Isaac started coughing last night and that Daddy and Andrew both have colds. He gave me some samples of Nasonex and told me to give him that when he is congested to keep it cleared out and away from his ears.

I asked how many ear infections he would allow Isaac to have before we get tubes again. He said 2 more ear infections or one more rupture we will put tubes back in. He also said that his son did not outgrow his ear problems until he was nine and went through five sets of tubes. He said he even brought his son to the clinic before and put tubes in his ears in the middle of the night! I guess Isaac's Daddy is in the WRONG profession!!

I asked what the odds of Isaac losing his hearing permanently from his ears rupturing were. He said it was not impossible but very slim ("like .000....%).

Isaac asked me on the way back to school why he had to use a nose spray. I explained why to him and asked if he would rather use the spray once a day and NOT get an ear infection or not use the spray, get an infection and get tubes again. He said he would use the spray.

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