Friday, January 11, 2008

Nine Months Old...Really? Already??

Where has the time gone? I can't believe Andrew is nine months old today. I am really taking him growing up hard. I know - it was bound to happen, but it seems like it has flown by even faster than with the others. It was even worse today when I went to make your next check-up appointment and it was your ONE YEAR APPT! I knew we were dangerously close to a year - but that still really knocked me in the head!

So here are his nine month stats.
Height: 28 1/2 inches (55%)
Head: 173/8 (40%)
Clothes: He is pretty tricky! He is long, but skinny so it is hard to find things that fit him well. Usually we buy it long enough, and a little big in the waist. Sunday, I went to go get him from the nursery and he was in a diaper, shirt and socks. She said that he kept kicking his shoes off and crawling out of his pants. After the third or fourth time of putting them back on - they gave up and left them off. Between that and the throwing up - that is why he stays in only his diaper most of the time when we are home.
Diapers: Size 2 as of a few days ago. He could technically still wear a one. When you put it on him the tabs still touch each other, but they are rubbing on the inside of his leg, so we moved him on up.
Sleep: He usually goes to sleep at around 8 or 8:30 at night and sleeps until about 7 or 7:30 in the morning. He still occasionally wakes up in the middle of the night or early morning for a bottle. If he gets a bottle early morning, he will sleep much later (as late as he can before we have to get him up to go to school, or whatever we have to do). He takes two pretty lengthy naps during the day. He usually goes back down around 10 am and sleeps until 1:30 or 2. Then goes back down around 4 for a couple of hours.

Everything looked great at his check-up (including his ears - HOORAY) except his iron count. They did not give any shots, just a finger poke to do the iron check and he did not even flinch at that. His iron is borderline right now. Dr does not want to give vitamins or any kind of iron because it will irritate his stomach. Thank goodness he agrees we already have enough stomach issues!!

Dr was shocked when he heard that AJ was completely off baby food. When I told him we were doing table foods he asked if we were putting it in the food processor. I told him no - we were just cutting it in smaller chunks and he was chewing it well with his (too) many teeth!

Dr was also surprised when he asked if AJ was pulling up on stuff yet and I started laughing. He asked what was so funny and I said that he had been walking for quite a while now (holding on to stuff) and that he was TOO close to letting go and going! So, dr quickly reminded of the importance of child-proofing.

So, here is just some stuff that AJ is doing: He doesn't spend a lot of time crawling on his hands and knees. Instead, he has started crawlking. He gets up on his feet and walks, but with his hands on the floor too. I will have to try and get a picture of him doing it - it is quite entertaining! When he is not crawlking, he is at the sofa or table walking.

He bites ALL THE TIME!! He will be using our arm or leg to stand up and all of a sudden we shreik with pain. His little sharp teeth HURT! When Bryce tried doing the biting thing I bit him back - it never happened again. He was quite a bit older though. I don't think Andrew is too the age of understanding WHY I am biting him. He doesn't do it to hurt us. However, if he keeps it up....

He plays with just about anything, and anyone. He definently has some favorite toys that he always chooses when given a choice, but he will play with (eat) anything you give him. His favorite is still is hammer, except Mommy left his hammer in CO. So, he still hammers - it is just much more painful for the person being hammered on now.

He talks all the time. He can say Mama and byebye although he usually just repeats Dada over and over and over. Sometimes he talks quiet and calm, and at times he is loud and squealy.

He is still overall a very happy baby. He tolerates a lot before getting upset, which is good and bad. He has the most adorable, sweetest sounding belly laugh. He is very ticklish, especially at his lower ribs (front and back). His favorite thing is for you to playfully bite him there, while making growling noises at him - oh the laugh that erupts from him!!!

He has not stopped the Linus thing yet. He sucks his left thumb and holds a blanket against his face with his right hand. It is so cute, but I know it won't be anymore when it is time to break him of this. Tabasco sauce, anyone?

He eats ALL the time. If he sees ANYONE eating - he thinks they should share with him. He has four teeth on top and two on bottom. The bottom two came in at the same time and the top four came in basically at the same time. He went a week or two with a hole up top because one broke through the gums, but then took its time coming out. It looked funny because he got one of the front teeth, then the two on either side of the front two - then the second front one came in.

Basically, he is a busy boy that gets into everything and is growing up WAY too fast! I will eventually get over it, in about 30 years when they are ALL grown and moved away and having families of their own (because then I will just steal THEIR kids).

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