Thursday, January 10, 2008

Police Dept vs. Fire Dept

We went to get coffee this morning at our normal place. If you read here frequently you know about us running into the sheriff up there often and Caleb asking for our sheriff's autograph because he thought he was Dr. Phil.

We ran into him this morning. He got his coffee and walked out to his car. I was talking to a friend and Bryce was sitting on my lap. I hear and "excuse me" and turn around and the sheriff is standing there. "Young man, I know that you are a fireman - but would you like to have this badge and be my Junior Deputy?" Bryce took the badge with lots of excitement and politely said "thank you!"

Bryce was not wearing ANYTHING that had to do with firetrucks or firemen for once. He is well known for his belief that he is a fireman, I guess. What is so funny is that we get this a lot from policemen. The two policemen from the schools have both said that he needs some policeman clothes and accessories. We have had MANY policemen see him in his fireman costume and make comments. It is like the police dept is trying to recruit him from the fire dept.

It didn't work, exactly. They did not recruit him FROM the fire dept. Instead, says that he can now carry a gun and arrest bad guys AND he can put out fires. He is just an all-around HERO!!!

I don't think Mama can handle one son being a fireman AND a policeman. I am not sure Mama can handle ANY of her sons being in EITHER of the dangerous professions - although I salute those that are!

Mom is going to have a heart attack from worry!!!

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