Monday, January 28, 2008


I would not want to be one of our local weatherman after today!! One of the weathermen from a local channel went and talked to the third grade class today. This is fine - Caleb LOVED it.

I would not want to be him, though, because for some reason the third graders now have a copy of his business card (Caleb's class anyway). This includes everything that you would normally find on a business card (phone number, CELL phone number, fax, email, address, etc). That just does not seem right.

So to everyone who actually NEEDS his number - if he is smart he is changing it right now. So, if you try and call and his number has been disconnected, it is because his celebrity status with the third grade class got out of control and he is being stalked by nine year olds (Caleb got his autograph too - to add to his collection that so far only include the sheriff that he thought was Dr. Phil!)!!!

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