Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Isaac is having a hard time lately with school. I am sending a note to the teacher tomorrow asking for a conference, but his problem is reading. Well, as expected, the reading problem is now turning into other problems.

They are starting spelling test this week. Isaac cannot look at sight words that he has had since day one of kindergarten. We will work every night on these words. He seems to get them...until the next night. Somewhere between sleeping and school - he LOSES the information he learns.

The problem is the schools do not teach phonics AT ALL! When I tell Isaac to sound out a word he looks at me like I am crazy. I show him how to sound it out. He can sound it out, but he can't make it a word. It is just 3 (or however many) sounds.

I looked at Hooked on Phonics. WOW!!! VERY expensive! I was shocked! We are going to have to get it though. I have tried everything I know to help him and he is just not getting it. He gets frustrated and cries. The only other thing I know to do is to hire a tutor!

I hate that he is already getting frustrated! I don't want him to start hating school in kindergarten!

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