Monday, January 28, 2008

Pediasure Ups and Downs

The good news...the Pediasure seems to be helping (in addition to the eating "real" food all the time), although unfortunately for him, we went back to just vanilla (less colorful streaks in the carpet). He is consistently gaining weight now. We are still weighing him weekly (with the awesome scale from my awesome cousin), even though we are not having to go to the dr that frequently anymore. He went from 17 pounds 8 ounces to 18 pounds 2 ounces in a week. The bad news is - it is tearing his poor bottom up! He does not have "normal" dirty diapers anymore. He has diarrhea - everytime he has a stinky!

His poor bottom is staying red and bleeds if the said diapers are not IMMEDIATELY removed. I mean IMMEDIATELY! We should take out stock in Butt Paste. I love that stuff - it really works! It clears diaper rashes pretty instantly (unless they are as bad as his is right now). We have used the stuff since Isaac was a baby - and it is all I use. I feel for him though, because he usually does stinkies twice a day - one of which is FIRST thing in the morning - before he gets up.

So, until we visit the dr again, we will continue the routine of Pediasure in mouth, Pediasure scrubbed out of carpet, old clothes (thrown up on) off - new clothes on, Pediasure wiped off bottom, Butt Paste put ON butt, then repeat!

Oh - don't forget doing LOTS of LAUNDRY!!!

The joys....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mom asks: Is Butt Paste thicker than Bag Balm? If not Bag Balm put on thickly may be a preventative measure. Love you.