Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Kicking Myself

I was talking to my friend, Chrisanna, at church Sunday. We were talking about how all of our kids were doing and how, for once, all seven of them were well (not sick). I told her it was the calm before the storm and that they would start getting sick now.

Sunday, when we got home, I noticed that Andrew had a little bit of a runny nose and a slight cough. It was cold, so I naively figured it was just from the cool air.

Then, yesterday, I was talking to Emily and she asked how all the boys were doing. Again, I said they were doing well. Isaac could hear again, Andrew went to the dr and he said everything looked great - no more bad ears.

Last night, right before it was time for me to leave for Bunco (which I haven't gotten to play in FOUR MONTHS), I picked Andrew up and thought he felt warm. I decided to take his temperature. I did not think the thermometer would ever stop! He had a fever of 102.5! I gave him some Tylenol, handed him to Daddy and told them I love them and I have the phone if they need me - then HIGH-TAILED IT OUT THE DOOR!!!

This morning - I think there may be a slight fever, but I have not checked it yet. I figure by this afternoon/evening he will be running a high temperature again!

So, I am kicking myself for rocking the boat and saying that the kids were all well!!

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