Monday, December 04, 2006

Montana Who?

Last week, after school one day, I was watching Rachael Ray on tv. She had on Joe Montana as her guest. Caleb just heard the name Montana and asked if it was Hannah Montana (while he was looking at the screen). He was telling me that all of the girls in his class were in love with Hannah Montana, but that she was like 16. I explained who Joe Montana was.

Well, I am talking to my sister, Heather, while I was typing this. Apparantly she watched the same show and her son, Corran, who is about Caleb's age, walked in and asked who the man was. Heather told him it was Joe Montana, a football player. Corran asked if it was Hannah Montana's husband!!

Neither one of the boys watch Hannah Montana (we don't even have Disney), so she is apparantly well known among the kids!!

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