Wednesday, December 13, 2006


In response to your comment about your lost item:

What you don't understand is that being the only woman living with a house full of guys, is that I have to keep a mental filing cabinet of everything I see - especially if I KNOW it is out of place because they cannot find anything on their own!!

On top of that - when they ask "Where is....?" It is not enough to tell them, because chances are something is covering it up and they can not look under ANYTHING (half the time if it is in the open they can't find it). Therefore, I actually have to go get it and hand it to them.

It is really kind of funny because I have gotten to where I don't even tell them where something is when they ask, I just get up and get it. Paul always says "If you will just tell me I will get it." But I know that I will have to go get it anyway, so I just save time and words!!!

SO... when I saw a purse in the cabinet UNDER YOUR STOVE, it kinda stood out in my head! Even several weeks later - that one was easy to remember!!


Anonymous said...

Well, including myself, I had 3 different people search my house for it and no one could find it. I figured it was worth a shot to ask if you saw it when you were down here. You'll have to make regular visits to my house so that you can keep a mental inventory of everything I own. I don't know what I'd do without you!

Anonymous said...

Gee, Meg, it sounds like the boys have YOU well trained!

Love Mom