Saturday, December 09, 2006

Bad Weekend

Last night the boys had choir practice at church because they are all performing Sunday (their Christmas programs). Isaac and Bryce had practice from 6-7:30, and Caleb from 6-11. When we got Isaac and Bryce and we were leaving, they were very concerned because we were not getting Caleb. The entire way home they kept asking where he was and why we were leaving him there. The closer we got to home, they started saying maybe he was home! Bryce kept saying that "we" don't have 3 kids anymore - just two. When we asked about the baby in my tummy he says "Oh yeah, we don't have four kids anymore - just three."

It is amazing how the boys do nothing but fight and argue when they are together, but show such love and concern when they think we have "forgotten" one of them.

Caleb, oh Caleb. He got in SO much trouble last night. I made Paul go pick up Caleb and he got grabbed up as soon as he walked in by the choir directors. Apparantly, Caleb got into a fight with another kid. On top of that, he was not listening, hiding behind partitions when he was suppose to be doing other things. It was not a good evening!!! He says that the other kids started the fight, but I explained that as soon as the other kid started something he should have gone and gotten a teacher. I was not there, and don't know what really happened, but his behavior thus far this weekend has not been good!!

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