Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Retained Information!

It is so funny the things that kids retain (and even "funnier" the things they don't!!). Caleb is to the point of obsession and annoyance with recycling. He wants to recycle EVERYTHING!! If he sees me throwing something away he lectures me about recycling. He wants to save EVERYTHING because "I might want to use it for something later to recycle." He keeps asking if we will save different size boxes so he can "make a city," as a way to recycle.

The funniest thing though. The other day he told me I needed to quit driving so much. I asked why and he said to save trees because of gas. I told him the gas was not made from the trees and he said he knew that but gas leaks and when it rains it runs into water and trees and then kills the trees.

He can't remember what I told him to do 2 minutes ago, but he can tell me how gas effects trees!!

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