Saturday, December 09, 2006

Calm Baby

Last night I got a little concerned because I had not felt the baby move all day. He is definently the calmest baby - so far anyway. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come. The other boys were ALWAYS very active when I was pregnant with them.

After I got in bed, which is when he usually starts moving around, I tried to get him to move for a while. Could not get him to do it. I finally got him to move just a little. I think what was going on was he was facing inward, his butt and back were against my stomach.

This morning, I got up early and worked a Christmas banquet for our church's food pantry. I worked for about 4 hours and then came home and laid down. I spent most of the day being lazy in bed and Baby was making up for his lack of movement before. Paul had his arm over my stomach and Baby did not like the lost space apparantly because it did not matter where Paul's arm was on my stomach, he was kicking it.

He moved around non-stop for the 4 hours or so I laid in bed (I told you I was being lazy). I got up and actually got busy doing housework, and have not felt him since, but at least I know he is still in there!!!

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