Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I think I finally realize why a very manipulative person was put in my life!! It was in preperation for Bryce!! I have never seen such a manipulative three year old before, but I think if I had not had a very manipulative person in my life previously to teach me how to handle it, I would not be able to handle Bryce.

God does not give us more than we can handle, and he has, what we may feel, are strange ways to teach us and prepare us. For me, this was a way to prepare me for my most important task - raising my children.

People ask me when I drop Bryce off why all of a sudden he throws fits when I try to leave - because up until probably September or October, he never has. Now it is every time I take him. I tell people he is TRYING to manipulate me. I have had mothers who cannot understand how I can leave him and walk off with him throwing a fit, that it is seperation anxiety and I should not leave him.

No - it is manipulation. That is why he can tell me, in the car on the way to school, "if you drop me off at school and leave I WILL be bad." (those are HIS words!!) And, then he is bad at school.

Don't get me wrong. It is not just when I go drop him off. It is ALL the time. When I get on to him for something - "I want my Daddy!" is all I hear. Because I have been so warn out from being manipulated - before Bryce was even born, he does not stand a chance. We play battle of the wills - and mine usually wins! I want to break him of this before he starts relationships (friendships) outside of the home!!!

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