Monday, December 25, 2006


I should have mentioned that Caleb has really questioned last year and this year if Santa is real. He makes comments about how Daddy and Mommy are Santa. Then when we are talking about Christmas and Santa - he suddenly starts talking about Santa.

Friday after we got the boys picked up from school, Paul opened the garage where the Santa gifts were. Caleb saw his Capsela box - even though he did not know what they were - he knew he was not supposed to see them.

That evening I told the boys that Santa had to drop off some presents early because his sleigh was too full. I told them he was still going to come to fill their stockings and they bought it and were fine with it. We had already planned to put the Capselas together and put the extras in a tub, but I did not know if Caleb would put it all together. (We threw the box away before he got up this morning.)

I don't mind Caleb knowing the truth about Santa, but I don't want him to spoil it for his brothers and if he knows - he will tell EVERYONE!! He is such a realist - he questions EVERYTHING!

Last night, Paul had a fire going in the fireplace. Isaac and Bryce were concerned about how Santa would get in the chimney without "burning his butt!" Before anyone could say anything, Caleb says "he has special clothes that won't let him get burned." The boys bought it and they were fine after that.

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