Saturday, November 25, 2006

Wait A Minute...

I was reminded on the way home last night of a few things Caleb used to say that really cracked us up (and still does). We were discussing Bryce's "potty mouth." He has gotten bad about using words like stupid and dumb and poopoo head etc. I told Caleb he used to have a potty mouth, but his was nothing like Bryces. Caleb used to call people names by taking an animal name and adding a fruit name and then adding head. So, when Caleb was Bryce's age and he went to call someone a name it would come out something similar to "Chicken-banana head."
While I was telling the boys this, I added that Bryce's potty mouth is so different because he has older brothers teaching him things that Caleb did not have anyone to teach him!!!

The other thing that I was reminded about was one day when Caleb was about three, we were sitting around doing whatever. Out of the blue Caleb says "Waaaiiiitttt a minutes (very slow and drawn out)!! Did somebody say(much quicker) (..pause...) chocolate donut?" Noone had said chocolate donut or anything like it or anything about food. This was something that we teased him about for a long time. We would out of the blue, just like he did, say that to him. It has always made him laugh and he would then start filling in the chocolate donut spot with other goofy things.

The boys spent about 15 minutes on the way home playing this "game." It was good for a big laugh from everyone!

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