Saturday, November 11, 2006


The baby, boy or girl, already LOVES his or her Daddy. He/she does not move a whole lot yet, but when I lay down in the evening and first thing in the morning, all Daddy has to do is put his hand on my belly and the baby starts moving like crazy. Paul has actually gotten to feel the baby a couple of times already.

What is really funny is that after the baby moves for a little while I can feel this tightening pressure on my belly under Daddy's hand and Daddy comments that my tummy has gotten really hard. It feels like a baby is snuggling into his/her Daddy's palm. T.he wierd part - he/she only does this for Daddy. I can put my hand on my belly all day and the baby does not move for me.

I am so glad that we are both already feeling him/her. I know it really makes things become real! With this pregnancy things have felt real to me since day one because of all of the morning sickness and etc., but Daddy just gets to watch Mommy sick. Now he can interact with the baby, which obviously the baby likes!

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