Monday, January 23, 2006

Bryce Goes to School

Bryce started Mothers Day Out a couple of weeks ago. I was really concerned about how he was going to do, since he has been home with me since he was born. The first time I took him, he did not want me to leave. The teacher started telling Bryce what they were going to do for the day. When she mentioned painting, he decided that it was okay for me to go. When I picked him up, his teacher said that he teared up at nap time, and she sat down and patted his back until he went to sleep. Other than that, he had a great day.

The second time he went, we walked in and he took off. He acted as though when I asked for a hug and kiss, I was cutting into his time!! His teacher said he did not cry at all this time. Since then, everyday when I am getting Caleb and Isaac ready for school, Bryce gets all of his "school" stuff together and waits by the door. Unfortunately for him he only gets to go once a week right now. He is on a waiting list for Thursdays now.

I should take comfort in the fact that he is so comfortable being away from me, but I don't. I am happy that he is a social little boy that likes to be around others, but I still want him to WANT me. I will instead, be happy that he has turned out to be such a wonderful, happy little boy. Somehow, somewhere in the future (can't promise how near in the future), I will come to grips with the fact that my children are becoming young men (most of the times), and need me less everyday (I don't guess less, just in different ways!!!)

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