Saturday, January 28, 2006

Afternoon Haircuts

Well, after Caleb getting his haircut this morning, his little brothers wanted theirs done. Isaac sat very well while his was done. Bryce had to sit in my lap (that was the only way he would get his haircut), but he did pretty good sitting there. He kept picking up the hair as Paul shaved it off and was trying to put it back on his head. Caleb took some of the pictures of Bryce's haircut (since I was behind Bryce). I must admit I had a hard time with letting Paul cut Bryce's hair, all that baby hair - gone!! But, they all look SOOO cute with their new burrs!

Before the cut!

We are done! Best haircut ever!

What a cutie!

First shave!

Pouty Mommy!

Another cutie!

First look at the cut

Now, this is a mug shot!!

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