Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Zoo and Jail

AJ loved seeing the monkeys. He talked monkey talk and then translated it to "Andrew English" He waved at them and told them all hi and bye. It was very cute. I think this is the first time he has been that he really understood and enjoyed it.

This is how Mady spent her first trip to the zoo. I don't blame her...I would love to have someone pushing me, while napping in a shady stroller!

I took the kids to the zoo this morning. We got our annual zoo membership, which in this family almost completely pays for itself in one visit. The pass was $40 and the entrance fee is $6 per adult and $5 per kid! Smarter to pay the $8 extra dollars and get in free for a year!

The kids had fun and were very well behaved. I told them on the way that when Mady started getting fussy we had to leave (she sleeps a 3-4 hour stretch in the mornings). I also took the double stroller and told AJ that if he would stay with me he did not have to sit, but if he ran off he had to have his seat belt on. He stayed with me the whole time and got in and out of his seat as he wanted. When Mady did start fussing the boys told me it was time to go and we could come back another time to see the rest of the zoo.

On the way to the zoo there were prisoners picking up trash. The boys were asking why a van that had a trailer with a portapotty was following the people picking up trash. I explained that they were prisoners and when they have good behavior they are allowed to pick up trash but they are not allowed to go anywhere or do anything else and they have to be watched at all times. I also explained that because they are not allowed to go anywhere else, if they have to potty they have to use a porta potty on a trailer at the side of the road. Caleb's take on this...."well I guess it is worth being bad in jail." about "I guess it pays to have good behavior OUT of jail so you don't end up in jail?"

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