Monday, June 01, 2009

Flowerbed Friend

One of the things the kids and Paul like about our house is the "wildlife" (as Caleb calls it) that live outside. We have many types of frogs, toads and lizards that enjoy our massive flowerbeds that are all the way around the house. And, tons of birds of different kinds (the finches love to sit in our chimney cover...very annoying when they echo down the chimney at sunrise! Then there of course, are the mice we are again battling this year. Luckily they are only outside (knock on wood), but gross and annoying nonetheless.

Last week I found some "wildlife" that I actually like. One wall in my dining room is a HUGE window. When I open the blinds, the cat likes to sit in the windowsill. She has seen a mouse outside and gone crazy trying to get through the window before. Last week I saw her in attack mode. I figured there was a mouse, but I went to see what she was seeing anyway. It was a rabbit!

Since the first time I saw it, he has scared me to death on any number of occasions. When I am standing on the front porch he likes to run from one flowerbed to another right in front of me. Twice he has run over my feet. We have had guys putting curbing in around our flowerbeds and it is obviously disturbing our little bunny friend and making him nervous.

This evening, while I was doing dishes, I looked out the kitchen window and saw him sitting on the driveway. By the time I dried my hands and picked up the camera he was hopping off. I managed to get a picture of him and cropped it to where you could see him. Sorry the picture sucks, but I was trying to hurry and the window has a screen on it.

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