Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

(This was the best picture I could get...Noone (and I mean NOONE) in the picture wanted to cooperate and I gave up.

This is Daddy's first Father's Day with a little girl!!

Daddy got cards from all the kids. Then we got breakfast on the go and went to the first showing of Up in 3D. It was a good movie. They only have 3D glasses in one size, which was way too big for all the kids (really even big on Paul and I). We ended up using one of Madeleine's headbands around his head to hold the glasses on Andrew. It looked like he had a head injury and was wrapped from under his chin all the way over the top of his head and back around.

After the movie we went to a sporting goods store across the street. Paul is trying to get kayaks for the older three boys, but we can't find one small enough for Bryce. So, we decided to get another one that fits Paul (a sit on top this time), but that Bryce can sit in too. The one Paul already has the hole is too small for he and Bryce to both sit in.

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