Friday, June 19, 2009

2 Month Appointment

Mady had her two month drs appt today. She weighed 9 pounds 11 ounces (25th percentile) and was 23 inches long (just above average). She checked out great on everything. He told us we could start her on cereal if she is not sleeping well and we could also give her some water with a little juice (for flavor) if she seems to be eating extra frequently during the day or if she seems to be getting dehydrated. That might be a good think to keep in mind with no air. I am not ready to start her on cereal and overall she is doing great at night. We occasionally have nights when she doesn't sleep well, but she is still normally waking up once or twice, eating and going right back to sleep.

She got three shots and is not handling them well. She did great when she got the shot. Screamed when the shots went in, but stopped as soon as I picked her up. I had given her some Tylenol before the shots. She ate at 10 and went to sleep. She slept until 1:45 when I woke her up to feed her. She ate a little, but has mainly screamed and does not want her legs touched (which is kinda hard when she nurses :)

We go back in a month.

I forsee a LONG night!!

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