Saturday, June 27, 2009

New Puppy

We have been back and forth for a few months on wanting to get a small dog. Paul wants one he can kayak with and I have wanted a small cute housedog. Today we went and picked one out. He is only 5 weeks old, so we can't get him for about three weeks, but he is SOOOOO cute.

We have done a lot of research on what kind of dog to get that would fit our family well. We are very active and on the go alot, so we wanted something somewhat small (but not too small with four crazy boys), but that could keep up with us. We were looking at Scotties and Westies, but from what we have read, they are not overly great with kids.

We chose a Havarnese. We had not heard of them before yesterday, but after lots of googling and talking to a breeder, we decided it sounded like the perfect breed for us. They are supposed to be fairly easy to train and they like to be family dogs.

Our little guy is adorable. We don't have a name for him yet, but we have some time to choose one. At five weeks old he is already active and attentive. When you call him he stops and looks for you. He was away from him mom for the first time while we were there today, for about 30 minutes. He was given a small rope toy for the first time to play with. Not only was he fine away from his mom, but he actually picked up the toy as soon as it was put down at him and started playing with it and growling at it.

Havarnese dogs were the original circus dogs (partially because of the ease of training them). You can get toy or minis that top out at around 3 pounds...obviously a little to fragile for our brood, or you can get them where they top out around 10 pounds, which is what we got.

Here are some pictures of ours at three weeks old. I will definently post more when we bring him home.

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