Monday, June 01, 2009

Cabinet Locks

Our pantry is the type that has cabinet doors. Today I had to go buy locks for them :(

Andrew has started helping himself to whatever in the pantry. Instead of sitting at the pantry or the table though, he walks all over the house with his loot. After cleaning up cereal dust from all throughout the house, I decided it was time to lock it up. He really likes getting out the vinegar and I don't want that spilled all over my house!

We also have a child that likes to take food and hide it. Of course it is only sweet food that he takes. I found a whole box worth of fruit snacks in the bathroom trash can. I caught him in the act of stealing someone elses candy last night....which he KNEW was not his and we have had MANY discussions about him taking the food.

So, tonight when they noticed there were locks on the pantry, he acted shocked. He wanted to know WHY there were locks on the pantry and WHY all the candy had disappeared. I just looked at him and he quickly said "nevermind".

Now I can be out of the livingroom/kitchen for more than 30 seconds without having to worry about food disappearing.

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