Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bad Behavior and Jail

The boys asked me what noise pollution was the other day. I explained what it was and they asked what happens if the police have to come because of noise pollution. I told them they would get arrested. Caleb said his teacher complained one day because some kids outside kept her up late with their noise and she said next time she was calling the police..

Now, when the boys start getting loud, I can frequently just say "noise pollution" and they all get quiet!

I was reminded of this today while at Target (basically wasting time because it is air conditioned...unlike my house!). There was a group of teenagers (I would guess 16-18 years old) running around, throwing toys, bowls, books, games, etc. Basically acting like a toddler having a temper tantrum, except they were laughing about it. The employees were trying to get security to get the guys. The guys heard and took off.

They had almost hit one of my kids with a ball they were throwing, so I was already irritated at them. They were one aisle over and I loudly said "Boys, this is exactly how you should NEVER act in public." Caleb says "yeah, they look like foolish idiots". They did!!

A bit later, the guys took off running and almost ran the boys over (who were staying right with me like they are supposed to). I saw one of the employees that had been looking for them and pointed her to where they were. Her and a guy employee went to talk to them, but the guys took off out the door.

When the employees came back in, they saw me and came to apologize. I told them it was not their fault. She said these kids have been coming several times a week for the last several weeks and they always do this. There has been as many as 7 guys at one time. She said her manager said to call the police as soon as they are seen next time and have them arrested.

Now, my boys think if they don't behave in a store they will get arrested!

I am not telling them differently.

I know...I am taking advantage of the innocence of my children, but if it makes them behave better in the store....

The guy employee said he would expect and accept behavior like that from kids the boys ages. I told him there was NO WAY they would get away with an inkling of what those teenagers were doing!

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