Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike

This morning, as I put the kids on the bus, the bus driver informed me that school may be cancelled. As of when she was picking up Bryce and Isaac, the schools were NOT letting the busses unload.

Louisiana is under Hurricane and Tropical Storm warnings. We woke up to high winds and rain. What do you expect when the storm takes up the entire Gulf of Mexico. It is going to be felt by LOTS of people.

We will be on the road this weekend, going to get the rest of the stuff from our other house. We just have some stuff in the attic and garage, but we are leasing the house to some friends, so we are trying to get all of our stuff out. Let's hope we can stay out of most of the bad weather!!

Let's also hope our electricity stays on and we don't come home tomorrow to a nasty refrigerator. The power has been going off and flickering since about 5 this morning. Power is still a sticky situation from Gustav - our area is not yet fully recovered from it.

The boys spent the morning argueing if the weather was from a hurricane. I explained it should not affect us quite like the last one because it won't be a direct hit, but it was in fact caused by another hurricane.

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