Monday, November 12, 2007


3 days old:


Seven months (yesterday) have past since Andrew was born!! I can't believe it has been seven months (or four years or almost 6 years or 9 years Saturday!!). I feel sometimes like time is just crawling (especially when Paul is out of town), but then I think back and see that time has FLOWN!

He has FINALLY hit 15 pounds! I was so excited when I weighed him and saw that! He gained about 4 ounces in less than a week! Guess it is time to scale back on the calories! He has a LOVE for ice cream and, we found out this weekend, pudding! I went through all of the puddings and found the ones with the most calories. I was trying to stay away from the chocolate, but found that butterscotch and banana cream pie actually have more calories per serving than the chocolate! DO NOT THINK ABOUT SHARING! He wants it ALL!! I am not much concerned with him gaining weight - I am fine with him being small if that is what he is to be - I want this reflux outgrown!

He moved into a big carseat a couple of weeks ago. He had gotten to where he would cry everytime we would put him in his carseat. Since we were not really taking the carrier out much anymore, we decided it was time for a convertible carseat. He is MUCH happier in the new one.

He is pulling up on EVERYTHING! Yesterday he kept pulling up on the coffee table. We would just move him over and over. I don't know why I thought he would just forget about it. First thing this morning - straight to the coffee table. About the 50th time I removed him from it, I called a friend and asked her to come over when she had a chance and help me move the table out of the living room. I now have a coffee table in my bedroom - glad it is a big room!! Andrew was upset to see it go - he has been obsessed with it since he started being mobile - he has always liked playing under it and contiuously hitting his head on it!

I am not sure how much longer he can use the playpen. He is already trying to figure out how to climb out of it. I would not be too concerned, but if you saw the picture of what he did Friday night - you would understand WHY I am concerned - he is a STRONG little monkey!

He has quit with the old man face - it was SO cute, but probably best short-lived. Daddy was quite worried about a 20 year old making that face out of habit, so he felt better when Andrew looked at us like we were stupid when we made the face at him! He does still suck him thumb and the pacifier every now and then (mostly his thumb). He has also gotten obsessed with playing with my necklaces - trying to rip them off - or buttons, etc!

The most surprising/amazing thing is that he gave up breastfeeding. I did not think he would EVER be the one to give that up! The last couple of weeks he has just been playing when I tried to nurse. He would nibble, look around, pinch, etc.. but not really nurse. He has always taken it very seriously (and never bit me) So, we stopped. Yesterday was his first full day to not nurse. He did not try to rip my shirt off or nurse through my shirt as I rocked him to sleep like he has always done in the past. I think he was just ready!

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