Tuesday, November 13, 2007


The boys often try to guilt me into things - usually it doesn't work. Last night, Isaac did - and it worked!

He has a Thanksgiving program at school tonight. He was reminding me about it for the zillionith time at dinner. I told him we were probably not going to be able to go. He asked why and I told him I just didn't want to try to wrestle with everyone by myself. Evenings/Nights are hectic anyway without going anywhere!

"If you don't take me and watch me I will be REALLY mad!"

We are going!

This is the first "school program" he has been in. It is not fair that he would have to miss it. I know I can manage - I always do! Besides, life is short! I am trying to stick with my motto, and can't do that if I cheat the kids out of their memories!

I will take the video camera - I am sure he would be mad if I didn't do that too - but that way Daddy can watch the program with Isaac when he gets home!

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