Sunday, January 17, 2010

Big Boy

Andrew has never been a fan of showers. He LOVES the bath, hates the shower. On rare occasions he has HAD to take a shower, because we are in a hurry or things are just that bad.

I said this afternoon that I was going to take a shower (yes, Paul is working from 5am-2pm shift 7 days a week and I cannot leave FIVE kids unattended long enough to jump in the shower. And when kids are getting up at 4:15 am I dont get a chance to jump in the shower BEFORE they get up, so it was THIS EVENING before I made it to the shower...but, I digress). Andrew jumped up and said he wanted to take a shower. Usually, he will SAY he wants to, he will get undressed, but as soon as he SEES the shower on, he runs away! I figured that is what he was going to do, so I played along.

Nope. He got in the shower. He got his hair wet and scrubbed his body with the wash cloth. I put shampoo in his hair and washed his hair and he rinsed it all out.

Top that with the fact that he has been wearing underwear ALL day and had ZERO accidents (yes, still kinda working on potty training too) and he is just turning all grown up!

There is a remote control dinosaur sitting in the bathroom he uses still in the box that he REALLY wants. I told him when he was using the potty ALL the time, he could have it. Otherwise he had to wait until his birthday (in April). He reminds me everytime he pottys that he still wants the dinosaur!

He knows what to do and when to do it, he just never wants to stop what he is doing to actually go to the bathroom!

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