Monday, May 11, 2009


Although MY Mother's Day was not that great (since I spent it in bed sick), I am still very lucky and have great kids! I was given lots of, from our yard. They were the most beautiful weeds I have ever been given!! Bryce even took the flowers and glued them to a piece of paper he drew on.

Isaac and Bryce made me stuff at school. Bryce had his wrapped in paper. He walked in the door Friday after school and told me to close my eyes. He then unwrapped my present for me and gave it to me.

Caleb wanted to fix me breakfast Sunday morning, but I did not really feel like having breakfast, as much as the thought was appreciated. He did keep Andrew occupied while I fed Mady and we got dressed though.

I could not be any happier or lucky than I am. I have a wonderful husband and five wonderful children. I get to stay home and be a full time Mom, which is what I have always wanted to do.

So, Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there.

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