Friday, May 29, 2009


NAAAA (or na-na): Tada. He says this ALL the time lately. It is his way of getting attention!

Otay: Okay

Choo-Choo: he loves trains

Choo you: when he burps he says this....means excuse you

Bashu: bless you, which he actually says when he or anyone else sneezes.

STOP: he likes to yell this at his brothers a lot....they like to pick on him a lot!

BED: he likes to tell his brothers to go to bed when he is getting annoyed with them

Peez and Tain-too: please and thank you. He actually uses these properly and usually without prompting. The only thing is...if he says thank you and you don't say you're welcome, he will repeat it over and over until you acknowledge him.

Abuu: this one is my personal favorite. This is how he says I love you and says it a LOT!! :)

NO: His favorite LEAST favorite! He says it ALL. THE. TIME. OVER. AND. OVER!

Some things he is doing:
Isaac got a jump rope from school. I guess Andrew has watched him outside jump roping because last weekend I heard lots of "Na" and "na-na"s and a weird sound. I went in to see Andrew jumping and holding one end of a USB cable in each hand. Every time he jumped he did his ta-da sounds. He was not actually jump roping, but it was very cute.

This evening I was sitting on the couch holding Madeleine and Andrew was sitting with us. Mady was wide awake, looking around, growling and laughing (she has been a growler since the day she was born). Andrew was grabbing at her and I asked if he wanted to hold her. He immediately sat on his bottom and stuck his arms out at her. I sat her on his lap (still holding her). He had the biggest smile on his face. He would give her a kiss and say Abuu and then stick his thumb in his mouth with a huge smile. I love seeing how much he loves his little sister!

While I am not a HUGE fan of "the two's" I am loving his personality. He has always been very expressive (facial expressions) but he is now becoming expressive in every way and it is usually pretty funny to watch and here. There are so many times we have to cover our face or leave the room so we can laugh at him without him knowing we are laughing at him (as to not encourage him!).

Our biggest problem with him right now is his hitting. We have been telling the older boys since he first started hitting that they CANNOT laugh at him when he hits. They continued to laugh at him and he continues to hit (and it is starting to hurt the older boys). Now he hits all the time and timeout has become his enemy (although he is good at sitting in it until the timer goes off)

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